2024 Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony: Occult-like imagery and the ‘signs of the times’

By Neil Hague

The man of the future who will redeem us not only from the hitherto reigning ideal but also from that which was bound to grow out of it, the great nausea, the will to nothingness, nihilism; this bell stroke of noon and of the great decision that liberates the will again and restores its goal to the earth and his hope to man; this Antichrist and anti-nihilist; this victor over God and nothingness – he must come one day.
Friedrich Nietzsche

The opening ceremony for the 2024 Olympics in Paris gave us a few glimpses into what might occur as we push towards 2030.

The ancient history behind the Olympics is pure ceremony and by definition, a ‘ritual’. See here

One of my illustrations (below) for the 2012 London Olympics offers an idea of the type of ‘energy trawling’ such ‘grand openings’ are designed to create ‘food’ for unseen forces. Ceremony and ritual are feeding time at the zoo.

The French opening ceremony (ritual) in Freemasonic Paris, was no different to previous Olympic (occult) ceremonies in terms ritual programming of the subconscious mind. But, it was different in some ways, because its focus was on the grand serpent (Gargoyle) river, the River Seine, which is the city’s main water artery. The river became a substitute for the traditional track, while the quays became spectator stands, for a setting ‘sun’ reflecting off famous Parisian landmarks, not least ‘memorials of war and chaos’ like the Trocadéro and the Grand Palais. Many of these landmarks are historic symbols of one era ending and another beginning after major upheaval. The build up to the Paris Olympics, plus the introduction of digital travel passes for French residents during the games is certainly another level of control and ‘new normal’.

Without going into great detail, on several occasions we witnessed what appeared to be scenes of ‘destruction’ (of the past) and historic revolution through fire and blood.

Scenes reminiscent of the blowing up of parliament in the movie V for Vendetta.

The ceremony in Paris also gave us the honour of an ‘upside down’ Olympic flag, which relates to a country in distress, or a protest. In the case the Olympics, could it relate to a world in distress, or an inverted world (to come)?


Those who managed to stay awake during the Opening Ceremonies were treated to the Olympic flag being flown upside down pic.twitter.com/flIG1kF8g7

— Dan Wetzel (@DanWetzel) July 26, 2024

Much of the imagery certainly pointed at an inverted world.

The inversion of the ‘old order’ (Christian/Rome) with the new world (Woke) order. The Trans Last Supper-like scene could be symbolic of a new global religion?

The fashion show that took place on the red (blood-like) table/carpet was certainly reminiscent of the usual ‘satanic’ vibe we’ve seen in music, art and film in recent years (see historic performances by Sam Smith, Madonna and others).

One scene of a torchbearer in costume seemed to depict a ‘winged metal demon’ (angel) on a white horse ( a symbol of religious war), while another looked like a symbol for a faceless intruder (a trickster) who brings, uprising, fear and assassination (see Game of Thrones). Through this ‘image’ I saw a symbol of the chaos the Cult have in mind for humanity as we move towards 2030. As the famous quote from V for Vendetta pertains to: Behind this mask is an idea … and ideas are bullet proof.” What ideas are being put forward for the next few years? What ignites the fire of what becomes the ‘Fourth Indsutrial Revolution’? In a recent dream I saw gangs (some masked) going on the rampage causing chaos on the streets of cities and towns, and this image (below) of the faceless assassin, broke that dream.

Imagery of this kind can be seen in endless dystopian and Science Fiction movies see Dune (the new film due out next year is called ‘Holy War’), with scenes of ‘revolution’, uprising and war. The French Revolution being one historic event that changed the old order. Is it subliminal imagery for intended uprising and chaos possibly caused by civil unrest, divison over ‘manufactured’ food shortages, financial collpase, to rampant ilegal immigration across Europe in recent times? It makes you wonder why so many ‘fighting age’ young men have been ‘allowed’ into Europe and the UK in recent years? There is an uneasy feeling in the air, and historically speaking, manufactured (calculated) chaos ultimately leads to the ideology of a ‘new normal’.

Are these images the signs of our times?

I personally prefer to dwell in peace, rather than chaos. Live in harmony, rather than through revolution. To be love, rather than entertain fear. 

It’s why we are here.

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