Kamala Harris the ‘soul-destroying bully’: Former staff expose shock details of degrading tirades, decades-long ‘toxic’ behavior that left people in TEARS – and saw them quit at unprecedented levels

Kamala Harris was all smiles when she arrived at Joe Biden‘s former Delawarecampaign headquarters on Monday.

She was there to lift the spirits of blindsided staffers, who after 15 months of toiling to re-elect the president, suddenly found themselves working for her.

‘It is my great honor to have Joe’s endorsement in this race,’ she boasted to cheers from a crowd who were now on her payroll.

But as the assembled readily applauded, some must have harbored private concerns.

For, behind the recent public self-branding of Harris as a kindly, jovial ‘Momala‘, she has earned a nasty reputation as an alleged ‘soul-destroying’ workplace ‘bully’.

Only four of the initial 71 staffers hired by Harris during her first year in office still remain in a job. The rest either quit or were fired, according to analysis by non-partisan watchdog Open The Books.

That translates to a 92 percent staff turnover rate – and, say critics, is a likely sign that the issues on Team Harris have more to do with her than anyone else.

During research for my recent Harris biography (‘Amateur Hour’, published in January), the horror stories I heard from many of her former employees and read about in numerous reports – shocked me.

As far back as the 2010s, when Harris served as California’s Attorney General, she was allegedly known for running a ‘toxic’ workplace.

Barbara O’Connor, a professor at California State University, Sacramento claimed that students who worked for Harris as interns frequently came back to her crying and saying that they ‘felt they weren’t valued.’

After Harris was elected in 2017 to represent California in the US Senate, working conditions reportedly did not improve.

Analysis showed her office had the ninth-highest staff turnover rate out of the 114 senators who served between 2017 and 2020.

Congressional sources told the Mail that she would berate subordinates in expletive-laden tirades.

Even those working for Republican lawmakers allegedly got caught in the crossfire.

In one instance, reported in my book, sources described how Harris lashed out at a room full of Senate staffers during the highly contentious 2018 Supreme Court confirmation hearings of Brett Kavanaugh.

On September 28 of that year, as Kavanaugh’s nomination moved forward despite liberal outrage over allegations he’d sexually assaulted Christine Blasey Ford three decades earlier, Harris and her colleagues staged a walkout from the hearings.

Read More: Kamala Harris the ‘soul-destroying bully’:

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