Leaked Emails Reveal How the New York Times Sought to Discredit Scientific Review That Found No Evidence Masks Work

Leaked emails have revealed how the New York Times sought to discredit a top scientific review that found no evidence masks work because it came to the ‘wrong’ conclusion. Paul D. Thacker, who obtained the emails from the Cochrane whistleblower and via FOI requests, has written about the scandal in UnHerd.

Amid the storm of U.S. election headlines in recent weeks, a snippet of news began bubbling up on social media that, only a few years ago, would have whipped up a frenzied media hurricane. President Biden had tested positive for Covid and videos posted on X showed him boarding and exiting Airforce One, but without a mask.

“Listen to the scientists, support masks,” Biden said at a campaign rally, four years ago, berating Trump for not wearing a mask after he (Trump) had caught Covid. “Support a mask mandate nationwide,” Biden thundered to cheers and adulation. His campaign message captured a ‘follow the science’ sentiment among Left-leaning American voters who derided anyone questioning mask effectiveness with the label “anti-mask”. This, despite a smattering of articles in Scientific AmericanWiredNew York Magazine and the Atlantic reporting that scientific studies found masks didn’t seem to stop viruses.

Read more: Leaked Emails Reveal How the New York Times Sought to Discredit Scientific Review That Found No Evidence Masks Work

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