Stand Up to Racism: An organisation that stokes racism and xenophobia in the UK to overthrow parliamentary democracy

Ricky Jones, a 57-year-old Labour councillor from Dartford in Kent, has been arrested on suspicion of encouraging murder and charged with one count of encouraging violent disorder. The incident occurred during a so-called “counter-protest” in London on 7 August, where he told a crowd that “disgusting Nazi fascists” need to have their throats cut.

One of the groups who organised the protest where Jones gave his speech was Stand Up to Racism, a small fringe far-left organisation that appears to be well-funded. Who is funding them?

The Metropolitan Police arrested Jones on suspicion of encouraging murder and an offence under the Public Order Act. As a result of his calling for a crowd to cut the throats of people with whom they disagree, Jones, who has served as a councillor for Princes ward in Dartford since 2019, has been suspended by the Labour Party and will no longer be able to sit as a Labour councillor. He will instead sit as an independent councillor.

He has been remanded in custody until a pre-trial hearing which has been set for 6 September at Inner London Crown Court.

In the video below where he gives his speech inciting murder, you can see a woman wearing an orange high visibility vest standing next to him who laughs and applauds his calls to violence and murder.

The woman who was delighted with the idea of cutting people’s throats has since been identified as Jo Cardwell who was chief steward at Wednesday’s march and is a Stand Up to Racism activist.

GB News has confirmed that the Stand Up To Racism organiser Jo Cardwell, 51, previously disrupted Farage’s post-election press conference.

She sees Farage as platforming ‘hate’ whilst she smiled and thanked Ricky following his incitement of violence. A shameless hypocrite!

— Chris Rose (@ArchRose90) August 9, 2024

When you find out what they stand for and who funds them, you will understand why a Labour councillor was permitted to speak at a Stand Up to Racism protest and was applauded when he incited the crowd to murder those they disagree with.

Socialist Workers Party

The Socialist Workers Party (SWP) is a far-left political party in the United Kingdom. It is a revolutionary socialist party with branches across Britain.

It is a grouping of revolutionary socialist organisations committed to fighting for socialism from below and is part of the International Socialist Tendency. The SWP publishes a weekly newspaper called Socialist Worker, and a quarterly theoretical journal called International Socialism. Until 2020 it published a monthly magazine called Socialist Review.

Read More: Stand Up to Racism: An organisation that stokes racism and xenophobia in the UK to overthrow parliamentary democracy

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