Covid Vaccines Sharply Raise Risk of Death or Heart Failure, Major New Peer-Reviewed Study Shows

Being vaccinated against Covid sharply increased the risk heart attack patients would die or suffer heart failure after heart attacks, a major new peer-reviewed study in leading journal Vaccine shows. Alex Berenson has written about the study on his Substack, Unreported Truths.

Over a six-month period after their heart attacks, Covid vaccinated patients had nearly double the risk of unjabbed ones. The risk appeared concentrated in patients who were both vaccinated and had had Covid before their heart attacks.

The researchers examined outcomes from almost 1,000 heart attack patients from March 2020 through March 2023 in a Madrid hospital. They found vaccinated and previously infected patients had an over 50% higher risk of death or heart failure than unvaccinated people who had also been previously infected – and a 90% higher risk than those who were unvaccinated and previously uninfected.

The gap remained even after researchers adjusted for risk factors such as smoking, blood pressure and age. “The combination of vaccination and natural immunisation against SARS-CoV-2 may predispose to the development of severe heart failure,” they wrote. Most patients had received the mRNA jabs from Pfizer and Moderna.

Read more: Covid Vaccines Sharply Raise Risk of Death or Heart Failure, Major New Peer-Reviewed Study Shows

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