Gates proposes using AI to stifle free speech; the UN is aiming to be in control of AI, globally

According to Bill Gates, online misinformation is the No. 1 unsolvable problem facing today’s young people.  Gates spends a lot of his time and money pushing global climate change mitigation measures and vaccines but, as CNBC noted, one problem has him stumped –  what he refers to as “misinformation.”

Recently, Gates proposed AI for real-time censorship of what he deems “vaccine misinformation,” arguing that while free speech is important, it should have limitations, especially when it incites violence or discourages vaccination.

Gates, a prominent advocate for vaccines through his “philanthropic” organisations, believes that those who advise against vaccines are “inciting violence” and hindering public health. He envisions AI as a tool to establish and enforce speech “boundaries” to control the narrative surrounding vaccines.

His promotional video, amplified by CNBC on 5 September, is rather sickening to watch, even if it is less than two minutes long.  However, if you can stomach it or if not, you have anti-nausea tablets to hand, you can watch it below.

Read more: Gates proposes using AI to stifle free speech; the UN is aiming to be in control of AI, globally

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