What happens when intelligent people have to work with utter morons. It isn’t pretty, but, hey, you could be them. Be thankful for your good fortune

Thank Christ today’s shift is over!!!

So it started off with walking into the office at today and found it had been sectioned off as half the previous shift had been sent home with ‘Covid’.

Next … all my colleagues are sat in the office doing [useless] Lateral Flow Tests on themselves … several of which returned positive and so half the team were sent home … they aren’t ill, the majority triple-vaxxed. We are now short staffed and dangerously short for tomorrow’s New Year’s Eve … great

The remaining few then discuss ‘Covid’ and this goes on and on and on and on … they were all discussing the new symptoms, including itching eyes. That tipped me over the edge. I went and made a brew and sat myself in an office literally taking shelter.

Peace is short lived and some of them come into the office and excitedly tell me about who’s got ‘Covid’ … to which I reply ‘Ok’ … and they are then visibly deflated..

Later (have to put my kit bag away in the store room) there’s an officer I’ve never met before who tells me to stay away from him – I’m literally thinking he must be covered in radioactive waste or something, but no … he goes on to tell me he might have ‘Covid’ … he’s done 5 lateral flow tests all negative but he feels like he has ‘Covid’ so is going home.

I’m now pouring myself a very large glass of wine at home.


Brits Will, On Average, Live Nine Months Less – Dr Vernon Coleman

Because of Lockdowns, GPs Abandoning Face to Face Medicine and Hospital Department Closures

In May 2020 I warned that deaths from the lockdowns and resulting closure of health care services would far exceed the number of deaths from covid-19.

And it quickly became clear that this warning was entirely justified.

Now there is evidence showing that the average Briton can expect nine months less because of the absurd and unnecessary closure of services by GPs and hospitals.

Delayed diagnoses and delayed treatment for cancer and heart disease are the cause of the fall in life expectancy.

How do I know this?

Because financial analysts report that pension providers are expected to gain £7.4 billion in profits over the next five years – as a direct result of the lower life expectancy.

A fall in life expectancy will, of course, fit in perfectly with the aims of those promoting Agenda 21.

Read more: Brits Will, On Average, Live Nine Months Less

I thought New Year was January 1st, but no, it’s APRIL 1st: ‘Covid’ reaches the Antarctic as fully-fake-vaccinated polar researchers report outbreak at remote station confirmed by a test not testing for the ‘virus’. It’s a cunning bastard this ‘virus’ – now it’s got a sleigh

Two thirds of the 25 staff based in Belgium’s Princess Elisabeth Polar Station have caught Covid, the Le Soir newspaper reported, proving there is no escape from the global pandemic.

The Omicron outbreak happened despite all staff passing multiple PCR tests, quarantining and living in one of the most remote places in the world.

The situation has echoes of the plot of John Carpenter’s 1982 horror classic The Thing,which was advertised with the slogan “man is the warmest place to hide”.

An alien life form infects workers on an Antarctic station in the cult Sci fi chiller, which starred Kurt Russell. Unlike the film, none of the infected Belgians have exhibited any severe symptoms – let alone been transformed into bloodthirsty beasts that can only be killed by incineration.

All 25 researchers were fully vaccinated and one had a booster shot. Before leaving for the station, they underwent a PCR test in Belgium two hours before flying to South Africa.

In South Africa, they quarantined for ten days and took another PCR test. A further test was needed when leaving Cape Town for Antarctica and a final one five days after that.

One person tested positive seven days after arriving at the station on December 14. The person was isolated but tests revealed two others had caught the virus.  The three were evacuated on December 23 but the virus has continued to spread.

It is thought to be the Omicron variant because that is responsible for 99 per cent of infections in South Africa.

Read more: I thought New Year was January 1st, but no, it’s APRIL 1st: ‘Covid’ reaches the Antarctic as fully-fake-vaccinated polar researchers report outbreak at remote station confirmed by a test not testing for the ‘virus’. It’s a cunning bastard this ‘virus’ – now it’s got a sleigh