Non-whites to receive priority for limited Covid pill

New York state health authorities say being black or Latino counts as a risk factor due to persistent social inequality

The New York State Department of Health appeared to announce this week that non-white New Yorkers would receive priority over whites in receiving “extremely limited” Covid-19 therapies for people at risk.

In a document dated December 27, the Department of Health announced that two antiviral oral therapies – Paxlovid and molnupiravir – had received emergency use authorization and would “reduce the risk of hospitalization and death by 88% and 30% respectively.”

The department said supplies would be “extremely limited initially” and would therefore have to be distributed based on its “guidance on prioritization.” That guidance currently prioritizes those who are either moderately or severely immunocompromised or have at least one risk factor for severe illness. Though these risk factors include suffering from cancer, dementia, or diabetes, among other diseases, the department stated that being non-white “should be considered a risk factor, as long-standing systemic health and social inequities have contributed to an increased risk of severe illness and death from Covid-19.”

Social media users have expressed outrage over the guidance, describing it as “blatant racism” and “morally appalling.”

“White people need not apply,” reacted New York Post columnist Karol Markowicz, while lawyer and Republican Party official Harmeet Dhillon wrote, “This is illegal and should be enjoined.”

“How is the race or ethnicity of a patient a legitimate criterion for the allocation of scarce clinical resources (like drugs or hospital beds) by a government entity in 2021 in the USA? And how could this even be constitutional?” questioned Yale Professor Nicholas A. Christakis.

Australian Fake Medical ‘Experts’ Say Three Booster Jabs Should Be Administered A YEAR – Are we getting it yet jabbed people?

Analysing data on the effectiveness of the Pfizer and Moderna booster jabs provided by the U.K Health Security Agency (UKHSA), some Australian medical experts have said that three annual booster jabs will be needed for the foreseeable future. For example, Jaya Dantas, a Professor of International Health, declared that “it appears that there might be a need for regular boosters”. The Guardian has the story.

Australians may have to receive two or even three Covid jabs each year to maintain defences against the virus if early results on the efficacy of booster shots turn out to be a useful guide.

Weekly data published just before Christmas by the U.K.’s Health Security Agency shows the effectiveness of both the Pfizer and Moderna boosters against symptomatic diseases is lower for the Omicron than the Delta variant across all periods after the injection.

The analysis included 147,597 Delta and 68,489 Omicron cases in the U.K. The agency stressed the “results should be interpreted with caution due to the low counts and the possible biases related to the populations with highest exposure to Omicron (including travellers and their close contacts) which cannot fully be accounted for”.

The U.K. data showed both Pfizer and Moderna boosters had 90% effectiveness against symptomatic diseases from the Delta variant up to at least nine weeks.

By contrast, efficacy against the Omicron strain was about 30% lower, and appeared to drop away further after nine weeks.

Israel has already begun administering a second booster dose to follow the original three-dose treatment, and at least one U.S. medical centre is considering recommending staff have a second booster.

Medical experts in Australia said results beyond the 12-week dataset would be needed to get a longer term picture.

Jaya Dantas, a Professor of International Health at Curtin University, said it was still early days for the understanding of the efficacy of the vaccinations but “it appears that there might be a need for regular boosters”.

“You might need boosters, say maybe two a year or three a year,” Dantas said, with elderly people more likely to be in line for a triple annual dose…

Read more: Australian Fake Medical ‘Experts’ Say Three Booster Jabs Should Be Administered A YEAR – Are we getting it yet jabbed people? 

The 1972 Declaration For World Slavery

The 1972 Lima Declaration was one tool used to create the New World Order. This video refers to Australia, but the Declaration also applied to the USA, Europe, Asia and worldwide.

Ask yourself, who has this lockstep power to coordinate government, politicians and bureaucrats, and you’ll realise there really is a global Puppeteer?

Political parties are two wings of the same bird. Puppet on the right, Puppet on the left, but look it’s the one Puppeteer!

There is no Communism and Capitalism. It’s all one. Ask the Jewish Zionist Bolsheviks who ran the 1917 Russian revolution. They were funded by Wall Street Bankers who in turn are European bloodline families. Yes, they do have names.

Read more: The 1972 Declaration For World Slavery

Is Tony Blair the Real Idiot Here? But, Of Course, And A Cult-Owned Coward (like the lot of them)

There follows a guest post by retired dentist Dr. Mark Shaw, who is unimpressed with former Prime Minister Tony Blair’s recent pillorying of the unvaccinated.

Tony Blair was quoted recently as saying: “If you’re not vaccinated at the moment you’re not just irresponsible, you’re an idiot.”

Before the Covid vaccine was rolled out PHE published data that showed those aged 80 years or over were seventy times more likely to die than those under 40. Earlier this year, before young adults and children were vaccinated, the JVCI said that the incidence of severe outcomes from Covid in children and young people was very low and that Covid disease in children was typically mild or asymptomatic. COVID-19 has killed fewer children than seasonal flu in a normal year according to data compiled by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The data was clear even in 2020 that if you were under 50 and in good health your risk of serious harm or death from the disease was vanishingly small.

For valid consent to be obtained for vaccination, not only would it be necessary to have a good perspective of Covid risk for that particular individual, it would also be essential to know whether naturally acquired immunity conferred as good or better protection and if remaining unvaccinated increased the risk to others. A former vaccine taskforce chief and many scientists involved in the Covid vaccine manufacture have stated that they were never designed to end transmission and this has now become clear for all to see. A recent Danish study confirms natural immunity is better.

For the above reasons it was refreshing to hear the Japanese Government declare: “Do not discriminate against the unvaccinated.”

Another factor that is important for valid informed consent and the decision on whether to be vaccinated or not is to look at the history of medicine. When new medical ideas or treatments were embarked upon how risky were they and how accomplished were healthcare professionals in providing that treatment?

In February this year the BMJ produced an article estimating 237 million or more medication errors are made every year in the U.K.

Read more: Is Tony Blair the Real Idiot Here? But, Of Course, And A Cult-Owned Coward (like the lot of them)

Israel Orders 100 Million Eggs As Bird Flu Outbreak Threatens Food Supply – Hey Jewish Israelis do you still think your fake Jewish (Sabbatian Cult) government cares a damn about you? Get your fourth job now – the fifth is on the way

Israel is already doling out second booster shots to patients who qualify, but on the horizon, a new viral threat is lurking.

Israeli news media like the Jerusalem Post reported this week that three more outbreaks of bird flu have been discovered in chicken coops in Ein HaHoresh in the Hefer Valley, the Ram-On moshav in Gilboa and in Givat Yoav in the Golan Heights.

These areas have been isolated and authorities are actively monitoring additional farms in the area.

In response to concerns about a bird flu outbreak threatening the country’s food supply, Agriculture Minister Oded Forer announced that 100M eggs were being delivered to Israel to shore up supplies. Not only will eggs need to be destroyed because of the outbreak, but authorities estimate about 600K hens may need to be destroyed as well to contain the virus.

Farmers are compensated by the government when eggs are destroyed for this reason.

As the government contemplates how to contain the bird flu, Israel’s Environmental Protection Minister Tamar Zandberg is reportedly planning to cancel the rest of Israel’s hunting season to try and prevent the ongoing outbreak of bird flu from being transmitted to humans via so-called “zoonotic transmission” – the same phenomenon that was originally blamed for the first COVID outbreak in Wuhan (before the world learned what was really going on).

Read more: Israel Orders 100 Million Eggs As Bird Flu Outbreak Threatens Food Supply – Hey Jewish Israelis do you still think your fake Jewish (Sabbatian Cult) government cares a damn about you? Get your fourth job now – the fifth is on the way