Genetically modified crops are extremely hazardous and have serious health and environmental effects

Natural farming and genetically modified (“GM”)crops are fundamentally incompatible. The promotion of natural farming methods, which prioritise ecological balance and biodiversity, cannot coexist with the widespread cultivation of GM crops.

Natural farming emphasises cooperation with nature, whereas GM crops rely on technological intervention and manipulation of biological systems. These differing philosophies are incompatible and cannot be reconciled.

Natural farming aims to promote ecological balance and minimize harm to the environment. GM crops, on the other hand, have been linked to negative environmental and health impacts, including reduced biodiversity, increased pesticide use and potential harm to human health.

Natural farming relies on diverse, open-pollinated seeds, whereas GM crops are often proprietary and controlled by multinational corporations. This shift in seed ownership and control undermines farmers’ autonomy and sovereignty over their agricultural practices.

And there are serious health implications for humans and animals as well.  With genetic engineering, familiar foods could become dangerous or even toxic. it could also upset complex biochemical networks and create new bioactive compounds or change the concentrations of those normally present. In addition, the properties of proteins may change in a new chemical environment because they may fold in new ways.

Natural Farming Cannot Co-exist with GM Crops

By Bharat Dogra

Some countries are taking up the promotion of natural farming crops which is very welcome. However, a big problem and constraint arises when they say at the same time that they will spread genetically modified (“GM”) crops, forgetting that natural farming cannot co-exist with GM crops. Apart from the high risk of contamination, there is the wider reality that GM crops involve very high environment, safety and health risks

We should look carefully at what the most senior scientists known also for their commitment to the public interest have been saying. Surely the opinion of such scientists should get preference over those who have been working with multinational corporations known to be very exploitative towards farmers and known also for their attempts of trying to dominate the farm and food systems of developing countries.  If according to reviews by very reputed scientists it can be shown that GM crops have been a disaster, then this view should get adequate importance.

Here we may note that GM crops and the herbicides accompanying them have been in court cases in some countries; generally, courts have been sympathetic to the victims of these crops and the agro-chemicals accompanying them. A case which attracted worldwide attention relates to the award of huge compensation to Johnson, a school groundskeeper, by a California jury on account of his health being damaged severely by a herbicide glyphosate which this groundskeeper had to use regularly, resulting in very painful and life-threatening blood-cell cancer. There was widespread sympathy for this victim and [Robert F. Kennedy Jr.], nephew of former President John Kennedy, (he is now a Presidential candidate in the USA) was among the team of lawyers who argued this case.

For people involved in food safety issues, this case had an additional significance. The herbicide in question is produced most prominently by a multinational company which is also at the forefront of the spread of GM crops. It has been involved in providing packages in which the company’s GM seeds are closely tied to the marketing of the disputed herbicide whose serious health hazards had been the subject of much debate earlier also. In the course of the hearings of this case, however, it became increasingly clear that the so-called scientific evidence of the safety of its products by which the giant multinational company had been swearing had many holes in it and at times its own findings were being passed off as the opinion of reputed scientists.

Read More: Genetically modified crops are extremely hazardous and have serious health and environmental effects

Stand Up to Racism: An organisation that stokes racism and xenophobia in the UK to overthrow parliamentary democracy

Ricky Jones, a 57-year-old Labour councillor from Dartford in Kent, has been arrested on suspicion of encouraging murder and charged with one count of encouraging violent disorder. The incident occurred during a so-called “counter-protest” in London on 7 August, where he told a crowd that “disgusting Nazi fascists” need to have their throats cut.

One of the groups who organised the protest where Jones gave his speech was Stand Up to Racism, a small fringe far-left organisation that appears to be well-funded. Who is funding them?

The Metropolitan Police arrested Jones on suspicion of encouraging murder and an offence under the Public Order Act. As a result of his calling for a crowd to cut the throats of people with whom they disagree, Jones, who has served as a councillor for Princes ward in Dartford since 2019, has been suspended by the Labour Party and will no longer be able to sit as a Labour councillor. He will instead sit as an independent councillor.

He has been remanded in custody until a pre-trial hearing which has been set for 6 September at Inner London Crown Court.

In the video below where he gives his speech inciting murder, you can see a woman wearing an orange high visibility vest standing next to him who laughs and applauds his calls to violence and murder.

The woman who was delighted with the idea of cutting people’s throats has since been identified as Jo Cardwell who was chief steward at Wednesday’s march and is a Stand Up to Racism activist.

GB News has confirmed that the Stand Up To Racism organiser Jo Cardwell, 51, previously disrupted Farage’s post-election press conference.

She sees Farage as platforming ‘hate’ whilst she smiled and thanked Ricky following his incitement of violence. A shameless hypocrite!

— Chris Rose (@ArchRose90) August 9, 2024

When you find out what they stand for and who funds them, you will understand why a Labour councillor was permitted to speak at a Stand Up to Racism protest and was applauded when he incited the crowd to murder those they disagree with.

Socialist Workers Party

The Socialist Workers Party (SWP) is a far-left political party in the United Kingdom. It is a revolutionary socialist party with branches across Britain.

It is a grouping of revolutionary socialist organisations committed to fighting for socialism from below and is part of the International Socialist Tendency. The SWP publishes a weekly newspaper called Socialist Worker, and a quarterly theoretical journal called International Socialism. Until 2020 it published a monthly magazine called Socialist Review.

Read More: Stand Up to Racism: An organisation that stokes racism and xenophobia in the UK to overthrow parliamentary democracy

Specialist Police Targeting “Hate Influencers” Blamed for Fuelling Riots

Specialist police are scouring social media to track down the “hate influencers” accused of inciting riots on British streets. The Mail has more.

Regional organised crime units are working with the specialist officers to investigate hundreds of posts suspected of “spreading hate and inciting violence”.

Far-right mobs across the U.K. carried out a series of riots in the wake of the Southport knife attack after false rumours were spread on social media blaming a Muslim migrant for the attack.

A range of social media sites are being reviewed by officers from the serious and organised crime team, counter-terror police and other national agencies.

Officers would work together to build a “clear intelligence picture” of those believed to be organising and influencing violence both online and in the real world, the National Police Chiefs Council said.

Offenders will then be identified, arrested and charged after content is assessed by a senior investigator to determine whether it meets the criminal threshold. …

Work carried out by specialist officers had already led to the arrest and charging of a number of social media users accused of spreading false information and writing online content likely to incite violence.

On Friday, three “armchair thugs” were jailed for a total of five years including a sign installer who urged a mob to “smash the f**k” out of a migrant hotel.

Read More: Specialist Police Targeting “Hate Influencers” Blamed for Fuelling Riots

‘Eating Ze Bugs Is Vegan’ – What The Rise Of “Ento-Veganism” Really Means

The latest “Dude, eating insects is so hip and cool” article dropped this week, this time from The Guardian, and with a little twist thrown in.

It’s pushing the idea of “ento-veganism”, that is to say “vegans” who won’t eat animals…except insects.

Or, what we used to call non-vegans.

It’s just another step in the redefining of language as needs must, yet another front in the war on words.

They are shifting the meaning of veganism from saving animals to being “sustainable”. The philosophy of “ento-veganism” is apparently to “do the least harm possible”.

…except to crickets, I guess.

The greater point here is that, while the mainstream has been promoting veganism for years, that’s much more about stopping people from eating meat and dairy than it is about getting people to eat vegetables.

After all, a vegan could hypothetically be living on a small holding in the middle of nowhere and surviving entirely on their home-grown vegetables…and that’s the last thing the WEF-types want.

They’re not going to all the trouble of resetting society so we can eat organic cauliflower.

They want everyone eating GMO soy cubes dusted in cricket flour.

They want processed. They want artificial. Most importantly, they want to make it so no one can ever be self-sufficient.

And while that means promoting veganism for now, it also means slowly redefining what “veganism” actually means.

Last year, eating lab-grown meat became “vegan”

Which, technically, you can argue from an ethical point of view.

But then this year, eating crickets is “vegan” too.

Who knows what “vegan” will mean next year?

Sourced from ZeroHedge

Read More: ‘Eating Ze Bugs Is Vegan’ – What The Rise Of “Ento-Veganism” Really Means

‘They encouraged us to insulate our home. Now it’s unmortgageable’

Jim Bunce thought he was doing the right thing for his purse and the planet: in 2022, as fuel costs soared, he and his wife decided to improve the energy efficiency of their house.

They discovered that the government had endorsed spray-foam insulation, a quick and unobtrusive technique by which liquid foam is spray-gunned into roof spaces and walls. Their loft was successfully treated at a cost of £2,800 and their gas bills duly fell.

Now, two years on, they have found that, by making their home more energy efficient, they have also made it unsaleable. “We are unable to borrow against it, or potentially to sell it, unless the foam is completely removed,” says Bunce.

The couple had hoped to take out an equity release mortgage to fund their retirement. “No provider will offer equity release on a property with spray-foam insulation due to fears that it damages roof timbers,” he says. “The removal will cost us £3,370 and, apart from the waste of money, there’s the environmental impact of 50 square metres of spray foam being sent to landfill.”

Thousands of other householders are in the same position. It’s estimated that up to 300,000 properties could be affected, some of which had government funding for the work.

A report published in March by the government’s Health and Safety Executive found that condensation could cause 25% of roof timber to decay within five years if spray foam is applied directly to roof tiles, or certain underlays. The general risks increase the further north the property is, because of colder climates.

At the root of the problem are cowboy traders who apply the foam without a full survey or appropriate expertise – but because of lenders’ caution, this is affecting other homeowners who had similar work.

Bunce’s insulation was open-cell spray foam, which is deemed low risk, and he was satisfied with the workmanship. But because surveyors are unable to inspect the roof timbers behind the layers, mortgage lenders tend to issue blanket refusals on properties where any foam is present.

Anita Ryan* faces a bill of more than £6,000 to remove her spray-foam insulation after discovering it rendered her home unsaleable.

“We had insulated our loft conversion 10 years ago and it was signed off by the council with no issues noted. But when we tried to put the house on the market, we were told the value is essentially zero until we have the foam stripped out,” she says.

“Spray foam is still legal, so there is no way to gain compensation, and the industry is not regulated – neither the installation nor the removal – so choices are open to abuse by companies supplying these services.”

Homeowners say they were misled by the government, which exempted the insulation from VAT to promote uptake, as well as issuing grants worth up to two thirds of the installation costs. They feel this suggested the insulation was being endorsed.

They accuse ministers of washing their hands of the consequences after they insisted that it was the responsibility of traders and owners to decide whether to proceed with the work, and that the availability of mortgages is a matter for lenders.

Read More: ‘They encouraged us to insulate our home. Now it’s unmortgageable’

European states issue joint call for Russian involvement in Ukraine peace talks

Achieving a truce requires both sides of the conflict to be at the table, Italy and Switzerland have said

The foreign ministers of Italy and Switzerland have agreed to work together to lay the groundwork for a second ‘Ukraine peace summit’ which would include Russia, a joint statement published on both countries’ Foreign Ministry websites said on Monday.

The first summit hosted by Switzerland in June was mainly built around Kiev’s ‘peace formula’, which demanded that Russia withdraw its forces from all territory claimed by Ukraine. Moscow dismissed the plan as “detached from reality.”

The conference was snubbed by several countries, including China, which argued that the absence of Russia at the conference made any discussions pointless.

Earlier this month, Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky said that while Russia was not invited to the first conference, the world majority wants Moscow at the table in November at the planned second event.

“Achieving peace requires the involvement of and dialogue between all parties,” the joint declaration by Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani and his Swiss counterpart, Ignazio Cassis, said.

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Zelensky clinging on to ‘peace formula’

The ministers agreed to maintain contact and cooperation to create “the best possible conditions for a second peace summit involving all parties, including Russia, and all relevant global actors,” the declaration stated. 

The officials reiterated points from June’s peace conference, in which all parties involved in the conflict were urged to release all prisoners of war and ensure food and nuclear safety.

President Vladimir Putin has said that Ukraine’s recent incursion into Russia’s Kursk Region is an attempt for Kiev, “with the help of its Western masters,” to strengthen its negotiating position. “But how can we talk about negotiations with those who conduct indiscriminate strikes on civilians, civilian infrastructure, or try to threaten nuclear energy facilities?” Putin said at a top-level meeting on Monday.

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No talks with Kiev after attack on civilians – Putin

Kiev launched a large-scale cross-border incursion into the Russian region last week, the biggest attack of this kind since the beginning of the conflict. Two Ukrainian drone strikes damaged the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, damaging one of the cooling towers, Rosatom reported on Sunday evening.

The offensive into Russia territory was an attempt to divert attention away from Donbass, where Ukrainian forces have been losing ground to Russia for months, Putin said. By hitting Kursk Region, Kiev attempted to strike at the morale of the Russian population, he said, adding that the incursion has had the opposite effect, boosting recruiting for the army.

Foreign help rushed to Greece as wildfire forces thousands to flee Athens suburbs

A woman’s body was found early Tuesday inside a burned-out Athens factory in what is believed to be the first reported death from a disastrous wildfire that has scorched the city’s northeastern suburbs, forcing thousands of residents to flee their homes and sparking a Greek government appeal for international help.

🔴 Live: Russia steps up air attacks on Ukraine as Kyiv touts gains in Kursk region

Russia launched drone and missile attacks at Ukraine overnight, injuring one person and damaging civilian infrastructure, Ukrainian officials said on Tuesday, a day after Kyiv’s top general claimed his forces controlled 1,000 square kilometres of Russian territory in the Kursk region. Ukraine’s surprise incursion into Russia has caused caused more than 100,000 civilians to flee their homes along the border. Follow our live coverage for the latest updates.