Pay-per-Mile Road Tax ‘On Treasury Agenda’ As Electric Cars Take Over

Fears over dwindling fuel duty receipts have intensified calls within the Treasury for the implementation of a pay-per-mile road tax. The Telegraph has the details.

Treasury mandarins piled pressure on the last Government to start work on a pay-per-mile road tax, Jeremy Hunt’s former top adviser has said, in a sign officials could draw up similar plans for Rachel Reeves.

Adam Smith, formerly Chief of Staff under Mr. Hunt from 2022 to 2024, said senior civil servants repeatedly pushed Downing Street to “start preparatory work on a road pricing scheme” amid fears over dwindling fuel duty receipts.

He said “eager” Treasury officials endorsed the policy following a 2022 report by the Transport Committee that recommended the move.

Given the £22 billion black hole Ms. Reeves claims she faces, Mr. Smith said road pricing levies “will no doubt be back on officials’ agendas” as she seeks to repair the public finances.

Writing in the Telegraph, Mr. Smith said proposals for road pricing became an “early issue” for Mr. Hunt during his time at the Treasury after a response to the Transport Committee’s report became overdue.

He said Treasury officials warmed to the idea of a pay-per-mile road tax amid concerns that the switch to electric cars will eat into the £25 bilion a year raised in fuel duty.

Owners of EVs do not pay the tax because their cars are powered by electricity.

Combustion engine cars are also in decline as a ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel-powered cars looms.

Labour has promised to bring forward the ban to 2030, reversing the Conservative’s decision to delay it until 2035.

To relieve pressure on the public finances, there is a growing expectation that officials will encourage Ms. Reeves to increase fuel duty for the first time in more than a decade in her maiden Budget, in a move that would raise £3 billion. …

PwC estimates the Government will lose out on £9 billion of fuel duty revenues by 2030, when one in four vehicles on the road is expected to be electric.

Mr. Hunt announced in October 2022 that electric cars, vans and motorcycles will start to pay road tax in the same way as petrol and diesel vehicles from next April.

Read More: Pay-per-Mile Road Tax ‘On Treasury Agenda’ As Electric Cars Take Over

‘Alternative’ media RIP. Paving the way for what they say they oppose

Alex – this is dangerous nonsense. You’ve bought the diversionary lie big time. There never has been a ‘Covid’ virus – the fake vaccine is the bioweapon, not the ‘virus’. What you say here is setting them up to play the same scam again. Whatever the next ‘pandemic’ is planned to…

— David Icke (@davidicke) August 12, 2024

You Might Own Nothing Sooner Than You Think

Imagine a world where ownership is a distant memory, replaced by an eerie semblance of joy in dispossession. In 2016, Klaus Schwab, the enigmatic architect of the World Economic Forum, foretold a future whereby, in 2024, humanity would be stripped of its possessions, shackled in digital chains, yet deceived into a state of contentment. Initially dismissed as lunacy, we stand on the precipice of this harrowing reality; Schwab’s vision looms ominously over us, more prophetic than we dared to believe.

For decades, a clandestine cabal of technocrats has meticulously orchestrated our descent into digital serfdom. We sleepwalked into their trap and surrendered our rights and possessions to those who wield the power of the keystroke. In this brave new world, ownership is an illusion, and with a mere digital command, everything we hold dear can be seized.

This article unveils the sinister agenda behind the facade of progress. It explores the erosion of ownership through clickwrap agreements, the dematerialization of our assets into databases over the past few decades, the rise of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), which threatens our control over money, and The Great Taking, which threatens our control over the rest of our non-monetary assets.

All is not lost, although, in a separate article, I will address that our salvation comes not at the ballot box but through our radical non-compliance. Technology can either be used to promote freedom or tyranny. I will discuss how we can adopt technologies to counter the digital slave system actively being developed by technocrats, thus guaranteeing our privacy, ability to engage in voluntary trade, and retention of our free will.

The Erosion of Ownership: A Descent into Digital Serfdom
In the bleak dawn of the digital age, we find ourselves trapped in a labyrinth of click-wrap agreements; our freedoms quietly surrendered to the whims of faceless corporations. The once-mighty notion of personal ownership has been reduced to a mere abstraction, a quaint relic of a bygone era.

As we click “I agree” with reckless abandon, we seal our fate, surrendering our autonomy to the technocrats who manipulate and control us through the devices we thought would liberate us. Once hailed as a bastion of freedom and progress, the digital realm has devolved into a dystopian nightmare where our every move is tracked, monitored, and exploited.

Read More: You Might Own Nothing Sooner Than You Think

Tanzania opposition demand party members’ release after leader’s ‘troubling’ arrest

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Technical issues torment live streamed conversation between Elon Musk, Trump

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UK nuclear submarine captain fired over porn

A missile boat commander reportedly took visual souvenirs of an illicit affair at sea

The Royal Navy has sacked a decorated submarine captain who once met royalty, allegedly for sending a X-rated video to a junior sailor with whom he had an inappropriate relationship.

The unnamed captain commanded one of the four Vanguard-class submarines, whose Trident II missiles make up the UK nuclear deterrent, according to The Sun.

“Anyone who is found culpable will be held accountable for their actions, regardless of their rank or status,” a Royal Navy spokesperson told the tabloid over the weekend, adding that “anything which falls short of the highest standards will not be tolerated.”

According to the Sun’s sources, the captain was one of the youngest officers to command an attack submarine before qualifying for command of an atomic missile boat. He had met Princess Anne – sister of King Charles – and received the Order of the British Empire (OBE) for top-secret work.

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UK nuclear submarine barely avoids disaster – The Sun

Several members of the submarine’s crew have reportedly testified that the captain and a junior sailor engaged in an illicit sexual relationship while on deployment. They accused the captain of sending graphic selfies to his partner, as well as making a video of one of their sexual encounters and sending it to the sailor. It was not made clear whether the crew member was male or female. 

The unnamed captain was reassigned to desk duty at first, but was eventually discharged from the navy altogether, after the admirals saw the X-rated recording.

The Royal Navy first introduced women into the “silent service” in mid-2014. By 2017, the captain and first officer of HMS Vigilant faced charges of having affairs with two junior female officers. 

Britain’s submarine service has struggled in recent years to find crew members and even commanders. Following the retirement of submarine director Rear Admiral Simon Asquith last year, the Royal Navy was reduced to posting job ads on LinkedIn, as no one currently serving was suitable to replace him.

Read more

UK Navy attacked for ‘disgraceful’ social media Rear Admiral manhunt – The Times

Last November, the Sun reported that one of the Vanguard-class subs almost reached crushing depth when one of its instruments malfunctioned, coming perilously close to killing all 140 hands on board.

The four missile boats – Vanguard, Victorious, Vigilant and Vengeance – were built between 1986 to 1999, as part of the Trident II program. At one point last year, only two were considered operational, with one other undergoing upgrades and another in sea trials after repairs.

UK nuclear submarine captain fired over porn

A missile boat commander reportedly took visual souvenirs of an illicit affair at sea

The Royal Navy has sacked a decorated submarine captain who once met royalty, allegedly for sending a X-rated video to a junior sailor with whom he had an inappropriate relationship.

The unnamed captain commanded one of the four Vanguard-class submarines, whose Trident II missiles make up the UK nuclear deterrent, according to The Sun.

“Anyone who is found culpable will be held accountable for their actions, regardless of their rank or status,” a Royal Navy spokesperson told the tabloid over the weekend, adding that “anything which falls short of the highest standards will not be tolerated.”

According to the Sun’s sources, the captain was one of the youngest officers to command an attack submarine before qualifying for command of an atomic missile boat. He had met Princess Anne – sister of King Charles – and received the Order of the British Empire (OBE) for top-secret work.

Read more

UK nuclear submarine barely avoids disaster – The Sun

Several members of the submarine’s crew have reportedly testified that the captain and a junior sailor engaged in an illicit sexual relationship while on deployment. They accused the captain of sending graphic selfies to his partner, as well as making a video of one of their sexual encounters and sending it to the sailor. It was not made clear whether the crew member was male or female. 

The unnamed captain was reassigned to desk duty at first, but was eventually discharged from the navy altogether, after the admirals saw the X-rated recording.

The Royal Navy first introduced women into the “silent service” in mid-2014. By 2017, the captain and first officer of HMS Vigilant faced charges of having affairs with two junior female officers. 

Britain’s submarine service has struggled in recent years to find crew members and even commanders. Following the retirement of submarine director Rear Admiral Simon Asquith last year, the Royal Navy was reduced to posting job ads on LinkedIn, as no one currently serving was suitable to replace him.

Read more

UK Navy attacked for ‘disgraceful’ social media Rear Admiral manhunt – The Times

Last November, the Sun reported that one of the Vanguard-class subs almost reached crushing depth when one of its instruments malfunctioned, coming perilously close to killing all 140 hands on board.

The four missile boats – Vanguard, Victorious, Vigilant and Vengeance – were built between 1986 to 1999, as part of the Trident II program. At one point last year, only two were considered operational, with one other undergoing upgrades and another in sea trials after repairs.